Hello there friends!
I just wanted to say hi! It's been a rough week or two for Michael and I. In the last two weeks everything we had planned for the next couple months suddenly went up in the air. Our intended move into the new apartment is not working out, the health insurance plan I finally qualified for is not longer offered, my year long healthy streak was broken by multiple pancreatic attacks in the last two weeks, Mojo hurt his foot, Michael's pain has really escalated in the past two weeks, my diet sucks, and basically everything that could go wrong did. Let's just say, we have been feeling very overwhelmed and totally let down by everything. Sometimes I am woken up at night by Michael moaning in his sleep from pain or the extreme nausea that comes with pancreatitis, and all I can do is just sit there and pray until I eventually just fall asleep again.
But amidst all the stress, pain and discouragement Michael and I are once again blessed with a reason to rejoice! I got a job interview at J Crew...whoohooo! Not only do I love the clothes but they offer health ins for part-time employees. A $1200. medical bill that Michael has been appealing for the past 6 months finally went through and were are free of any payment on it (which is good because we didn't have $1200. to spare). Brent (michael's dad) came over and helped us do our taxes only to find that we are getting $1800. back, so that we can pay our rent next month without tapping into our much depleted savings!!!
In short, we are touched by God's goodness once again! Over and over again we are reminded that God's faithfulness is constant and that our lives are in great hands! I am so thankful that even in the toughest of situations I know that there is a bigger and greater purpose that goes beyond my own troubles.
Thank you Jesus for the sacrifice that you made so that I can have redemption even in moments of doubt and questioning. You are more then I need each day, it's my decision whether or not I acknowledge that. And today, I acknowledge that!
Psalm 37:23-24 "The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way, when he falls he will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the one who holds his hand."
Matt 7:34 "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own."
So rejoice with me today because God's goodness reaches far beyond our daily needs!
1 Thess 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks."