Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Beginning!!!!

Well, this is my very first post on my bran new blog that took me 3 min to setup (so don't expect much yet). Just to let you know a bit about me, I am Bethany Strawsburg (...nic named Mrs. Straws) and I have been Mrs. Straws for one year on March 7th....woot woot!!! I feel like the first year was all about transition, change, honeymooning, and figuring out how to sign my entire new name on just one small line (Bethany Lee Strawsburg). So now that I've had some practice, I've decided to share some new found wisdom, memories, mistakes, and thrifty household tricks with everyone!! My husband and I are hardcore budgeters, so any tips that we have found useful for making our house, both homey and thrifty will be shared on this blogg! Well, thanks for beginning this journey with me, I'm looking forward to sharing anything and everything that comes to mind!!!
Mrs. Straws

1 comment:

  1. YAY Bethany! Glad you have a blog.. and don't fear... I'll be checking it :)
